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journalWelcome to my online journal. I'm Alex Mead. For many years people called me AMPro --so much so that it seemed like my name. More recently, a lot of people on the internet have come to know me as green.earth.al and in show biz...My Rap Name is Alex. Whatever name I'm known by, I still seem to have the same opinions and convictions, I still like to write and make public my introspection and try to say something that will provoke some thoughts and help people see the world in new and helpful ways.
It's called Gratitude
this journal entry posted on January.15.2006

This is my Gratitude journal entry.

Sue, mom, thanks!

My father who apparently gave me some crazy genetics that enable me to throw 45 tons of rubber in one day: 'Preciate it.

My 6th grade teacher Ms. T. Thanks for believing in me.

My High School English teacher Ms. Kittleson, Math teacher Mr. Drajem and Computer teacher Mr. Alderdice, thanks for the foundations.

My college Art professor Ms. Payne for teaching me how to look with intensity.

All my 716BBS peoples for their enthusiasm about AMProSoft stuff.

All of the friends who have added to my life. All of the loves of my life that have helped me discover myself.

My internet buddies from the BBMB and other such places.

All of my activist and Community Building friends that nourish and nurture me.

All of my UU friends that seek with me. Especially my Opus friends, and especially the ones with whom I've had ongoing contact beyond Opus.

My performance poetry and theatre folks.

All of my friends that helped with the new book with all of the enthusiasm and encouragement.

All of the people that have bought my new book and helped it get back to #1 on the CafePress Sci-Fi list.

HeatherK. Love you.

Sincerely, thank you. For reading my journal and taking and interest in my life.

I'm going to go take it to email now and thank some folks more privately. You should do the same. There's someone you could be sending a thank you email to right now.

be Love,

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